The Power of DACs and Gaming


MARCH 11th - 26th, 2021


3/11 - 3/18

Community Content

Hangout with friends in EOSIO-based communities: NFT addicts, blockchain game creators, Alienworlds, MetaDAC, KROWN and more!

Share and learn about the intersection of DACs and Gaming!

View Calendar >

3/19 - Hackathon Welcome


Discover the process for this Hackathon and help create the rules together.

Review of the Prize Pool and Deadlines.

3/23 - Hackathon Projects Due


3/23 & 3/24 - Hackathon Presentations


Watch live and recorded project submissions. Bring some questions for the project creators.

Streamed and Hosted by KROWN DAC.

Watch on KROWN YouTube

3/25 - Voting Opens - Prize Pool Contributions Due


Send Prize Contributions to: verydacathon on EOS | WAX

3/26 - Hackathon Awards


Vote on Consortium | View Submissions

Virtual conference focusing on building together.


Our economy will be transformed with DACs in the future. 


- We are the pioneers of this new future. There’s more to crypto than lambo moons.

- We’re coming together for a DACathon with the goal of accelerating DAC adoption and tools.

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Welcome to DACathon Gaming!

Blockchain technology has enabled trusted online coordination of people and value to enable the creation of new organizations called decentralized autonomous companies, communities & organizations (DAC/DAOs).  These new virtual and global organizations will power our economy in the future. We are just in the beginning stages of this evolution. Come join us so we can accelerate the adoption of DACs in the EOSIO ecosystem!


Our Origins: How the DACathon was built in 3 Days.

1) Teams registered and signed up on Telegram

2) 33 Participants built a successful DAC model (MetaDAC) on EOSIO Jungle Testnet

3) DACathon produces the MetaDAC— voting tokens are created and Custodians are selected.

4) Hackathon portion initiated. Rules are created. Teams formed and projects solidified.

5) Submitted projects are reviewed and voted on from Judges. Prizes awarded!

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Mission: To promote DACs through community engagement, technology, tools and strategic design.



Need a reminder? Stay posted! Give us your E-mail address.

We won’t spam you.